Global Digital Post worldwide.
Since our founding in 2007, Global Digital Post GmbH (GDP) has been pursuing a clear mission: to make business document exchange as simple as possible. As your reliable partner for the smooth delivery of orders, order confirmations, delivery notes, and invoices when dealing with customers and suppliers, we ensure that you don’t have to worry about the various technologies of your business partners.
Our straightforward integration allows you to quickly and easily connect your business partners via the interface. Trust GDP to optimize your business transactions and ensure smooth communication with your business partners. Our dedicated service team is by your side, enabling you to achieve efficient integration that saves time and resources.
We take pride in continually implementing our mission of simplifying business document processing.

GDP makes electronic information exchange through EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) with your partners as simple and cost-effective as never before.
You receive this service at a monthly flat rate. This flat rate is independent of the number of documents you send per month. This way, you have predictable costs – both during the initial setup and with the monthly fees.
GDP makes electronic information exchange through EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) with your partners as simple and cost-effective as never before.
about GDP:

Bei Trumpf war die Partnerschaft mit GDP für EDI-Lösungen ein entscheidender Schritt in unserer digitalen Entwicklung. Mit ihrer Unterstützung haben wir über 130 Lieferanten an unsere E-Procurement Plattform JAGGAER angeschlossen und eine Vielzahl von Dokumententypen effizient verwaltet. Die Expertise von GDP im Bereich der elektronischen Rechnungsverarbeitung gibt uns auch Vertrauen für zukünftiges Wachstum. Ihre zuverlässigen und fortschrittlichen Dienstleistungen haben unsere Abläufe optimiert und unser Engagement für digitale Innovation in unseren Geschäftsprozessen verstärkt.